Official Lies.
There’s a good source of true info here. ‘’
Have a look at it. They’ve been deplatformed on twitter and youtube I think. For daring to show people the govt. propaganda and point out where it is wrong, contradictory or pure bullshit or whatever.
So we have to take the trouble to go to them.
Here they are:
Get Our Freedom Back?
What’s all this about ‘get our freedom back’?
We’re told, aren’t we, over and over again, that we can ‘get our freedom back’ if we do this or that – mainly meaning cower in lockdown, struggle to breathe through masks, shun our fellows, avoid friends and family, ignore any all proferred medications.
And take vaccines. On faith.
Then we ‘get our freedom back.’ That’s right? That’s the narrative?
It means, the translation of it, the message implicit in it is that we ‘get our freedom back’ if we ‘beat’ or ‘avoid’ covid via these things.
But listen: covid didn’t take our freedom.
We’ve had respiratory illnesses for millenia, we’ve had them recently, and worse than this one by far, without losing any freedom.
We’ve had all out bloody wars without losing any freedom.
We’ve had plagues and pestilences, fire and flood, famine, without losing our freedom.
Let’s be clear in these machiavellian dystopian orwellian times: none of these things took our freedom away.
Our freedom has been taken by governments.
And our stupidity in letting them do it.
And the only time we will ever ‘get our freedom back’ is when we take it back from them.
In fact freedom can never be taken. It can only be surrendered. It drives the despot and the tyrant mad trying to destroy and take freedom. It’s axiomatic that lose everything and you’ve still got the freedom to think.
That’s the last freedom. Imprisoned in a small cell, subjected to all the horrors and brutalities that humans have inflicted upon each other since the dawn of time, shackled, straight jacketed, we still retain the freedom to think as we wish.
And no tyrant has ever not know that and feared it. No matter what brutalities and torments he can never be sure that he’s not surrounded by lying toadies professing love and support whilst harbouring thoughts of killing him.
After all he knows quite well he would if the positions were reversed.
And that’s the root of our proud boast – when it was our proud boast, before we gave it away – that ‘I might disagree with what you say but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.’
Because we know we can’t stifle the mind and better therefore that we let people speak their minds.
So in the end no one can take away your ultimate freedom and hence they really can’t take any at all.
You can only accede to their wishes and that’s of your own choice, your own volition, an expression really of your freedom.
So here, too, we gave our freedom.
We surrendered it. Not to an illness. Not to a virus or a bacteria. Not to any of the natural forces that we’ve lived with since our first inception.
No. We surrendered our freedom to a group of people.
On a false premise. On a mistaken understanding. Two of them:
One: that they were working sensibly and honestly on our behalf and
Two: that there was a real totally extraordinary threat out there.
Both completely wrong.
Insanely logic twistingly wrong.
So now we find ourselves being told we can only have our freedom back if we continue to give our freedom to these people who took it under false pretences in the first place.
They should say, had they any honesty, were they fit for the positions they’ve been elevated to:
You always have your freedom and we do what we do only by permission from you. Withdraw that permission whenever you wish.
The should not be implying that covid took our freedom.
Or that ‘defeating’ covid will give it back.
They should be admitting they work for us. At our direction.
They should be telling us ‘You are a free people’ and they should be proud to tell us that.
See how badly wrong it has all got?
No proud Roman or Greek soldier standing at the head of his armies exhorting them onto greater efforts in the name of their innate qualities…
But a slave master standing above the huddled masses telling them when they’ll be allowed to take their eyes off the ground.
collateral harm…
nobody would want to read this would they?
makes you wonder why Sunetra Gupta etc. bother publishing these things.
Chuck A Few More Kids On The Fire
The mask thing is a fashion. Nothing more. Mountains of evidence show they do nothing to alter the course of the disease. In Australia millions of people are wearing them where everyone knows there is no covid at all.
But if there were they’d do little or no good. Especially with the delta variant.
But the politicians like them and the people think it can’t hurt and anything for a quiet life.
And this is what that ‘quiet life’ means to the kids:
Any Doubt About 1984 Left At All?
How about this? An Irish Doctor comes out of retirement to work on the Covid ’emergency’ in Ireland. She’s pretty shocked and horrified with what she sees concerned the vaccines.
So she speaks out about it and makes a Youtube video.
And now she gets ‘suspended’. I suppose that means she can’t work, wouldn’t you? She was telling us in her video that she was working double shifts. That she was the only available doctor in a large area.
There is no question of her in any way not treating patients properly.
But they cancel her services. They punish her and the patients she would have served. Just like that.
For speaking! And for speaking what? She simply gave an account of what she saw, experienced. She did not expound wild conspiracy theories or anything of the kind.
She simply recounted her own experiences and gave an account of how they affected her.
That, now, is apparently not acceptable. Well don’t pretend surprise. We knew really didn’t we? It has been going on for a long time. The government can lie as much as it likes. We are not allowed to tell the truth.
That’s where we are at. Can anyone dispute that?
So what’s going on? Is everyone brain dead? This is 1984 and it is NOT good. But I think many, many people think it IS good.
Here she is:
http://Dr Anne McCloskey: GP suspended over Covid-19 vaccine comments
Now Here’s a Go….
This looks good and heartening…. Dr Altman. I wonder if he’s our local Dr Altman?
Whoever/whatever he’s right on…
Youtube: 51% Aussies Jabbed. Response:
Here’s a response I saw in the comments section to a youtube vid about what a wonderful thing it was that 51% of aussies have now been jabbed.
you beaut. that’s 50% of the suckers we’ve got. Only gotta get the other half. with a bit of luck we can turn this half against that half. just keep it secret a little longer how the vaccines are increasingly useless as in Europe and Israel. Like keep it secret how they only ever promised to improve your chances of NOT getting severe adverse covid reaction from 99.866% to 99.966% ( a 0.1% increase), how they never lived up to that. How the reported adverse events are mounting rapidly. How alternative treatment has always been there and therefore they should never have been allowed. How ’emergency state’ declarations were never valid. How effective ivermectin, for instance is. How illegal undemocratic and deliberately hostile it is to ban and hide ivermectin. How anxiety states are the second highest factor in severe adverse experiences of covid and how all the govt. propaganda and policy deliberately tends to increase anxiety. How efficacious something as simple as high vitamin D (more than a vitamin really, much more) can be. How easy it is to increase all immune strengths simply with Cod Liver Oil. How reporting of cases was always terribly inaccurate because of PCR tests set to 40 cycles or more when 28 is more than sufficient and 40 can safely be predicted to give false positives in large amounts. How reporting of infections after a vaccine is deliberately under-reported by accepting only PCR test with 28 or less cycles in distinction to the above. How the VAER (vaccine adverse event reporting) system now contains thousands of time more events than would have been sufficient to take any other vaccine or medication off the market. If we can just keep all that quiet. And get the suckers to get jabbed. Then we’ve got them on the hook. The next variant will cause another ‘outbreak’. We’ve established that actual harm is irrelevant and figures can be manufactured at will. We’ve established that the population must do as we say. So they’ll all have to take another jab for that ‘outbreak’. And then for the next. And the next. This means forever, of course. And we make it ubiquitous that you can go nowhere and do nothing without a vaccine passport – while glibly saying we the govt have never said you must have. And then we’ve got ’em. We can continually jab ’em with whatever we like, tested or not. Any deaths, adverse reactions etc. we can blame on ‘the disease’ We can set them at each other – telling the sheep to attack the goats , so to speak. Endless source of money pouring in from them for their vaccinations, their masks, deep cleaning…. whatever… And we stand there all time insisting that if it weren’t for us they’d all be dead from this horrible thing.. If we an just stand fast, guys, don’t waver now.. we’re on the brink of total success. Total! Mate, this is ‘world domination’ in a guise no one (but our own brilliant selves) would have thought of.. Go for it, men!!
Look Before They Take Him Down
My Mam Would Have Fixed It.
Back in the day we didn’t have access to all the medical wonders we have today
Or all the insanities either.
So I reckon my mam would probably have given us Cod Liver Oil.
So I did a google on cod liver oil. And what do you know? It’s almost a specific.