We must protect the vaccinated???


According to Tom Woods here Kamala Harris claims we ‘must protect the vaccinated ???

Protect the vaccinated?   How insane is that?  The vaccinated got vaccinated to protect themselves by being vaccinated!!  How the hell can anyone else protect them?

Only makes sense one way, I reckon.  Think psychology.  She means ‘to protect the reputations, the egos, of the vaccinated’.  See?

To protect them from embarrassment everyone must join them in their chosen route to ‘protection’ and then they can’t be mocked or shown to be wrong if it doesn’t work.  (as  is being shown everywhere is the case).

Could it be that childishly simple, that evil, that the whole world must bow to their will and suffer all kinds of injury and expense – simply to protect their egos?

You know what? After seeing American and British and Aus politics the last 5 years or so I think it well could be.

Because just look at what comes next:

Protect how?

By forcibly vaccinating all the little kids.  !!!  Kids !!! Completely out of danger from the beginning.  Force them into danger.  And ‘forcibly’ !!  Smash to bits all parental rights and responsibilities.  Over-ride  completely, without democratic discussion,  overwhelming force, brutal overkill, massive madness.

To protect the egos of the insane ‘ruling class’.

Now where’s our vaunted democracy?  Now where’s our ‘science’ and rationality and truth and sense? Now where’s our ‘advanced western world’?

I would like to emigrate to Russia.  I used to be frightened of totalitarian, dictatorial, freedom crushing, insane despotism.  I still am.  I want to run away to Russia.


Excellent Data Page Showing Typical Bias

There’s what appears to be an excellent covid data tracking page here from the NY Times.

But data from John Hopkins.  We ought to go straight there for it I guess.  But here’s this link for right now.

The ‘bias’ is how it’s presented without any definition of what a ‘case’ is.  We don’t know if it was decided on the basis of 40 PCR cycles or what?  Makes an enormous difference.

And how it is presented by default it appears as a story of enormous increases in cases – alarming.  Apparently meant to be alarming.

But when you turn to death rates, which at least are there, you find figures like 0.5 deaths per Hundred Thousand!

It doesn’t mean much if you’re calling everyone with a cold a ‘case’ and no one is dying does it?

But overall it is interesting, very interesting in many ways not least that it shows the ubiquity of the virus: which was/is to be expected.  It bears out the well known, decades old epidemiological knowledge of the behaviour of viruses.   Despite and regardless of anything man tries to do.

It shows the total similarily of experience everywhere despite differences in govt approaches.

Another part of the ‘bias’ perhaps is that there is no background, or context setting: i.e. we don’t know how these death rates fit in with normal death rates on the average.  And we don’t know if they represent additions to the accumulated all cause death rates beyond the norm or do they exist along with all others within the normal bounds?

And, of course, as always, we know nothing about the presence and nature of comorbidities.  Which you’d think everyone would be demanding to know, unless you expect people to be frightened to want to know.  But if you were old and it were killing  (at 0.5 per 100,000) only the old wouldn’t you want to know?  Or only the obese? Or only the diabetic?  Or only the Hypertense? Or only the anxiety ridden?

That’s context and we are as usual told nothing but are presented with figures intended to cause alarm.

Nor or we, of course, told anything at all about treatment. It makes an enormous amount of difference to severity and death rates if there’s immediate early home treatment we are assured by numerous doctors working ICU with the disease.  Some countries are adopting strategies that account for this: India, say.  Others are deliberately making it illegal: Australia, say.

These charts make no mention either way.

So these charts from John Hopkins and the presentation wrapped around them by the New York Times and the presentation wrapped around that by Taki mag serve as a good archive of the parlous state of the ‘best’ information available to us in the midst of this ‘global emergency’.


The Z Man on Taki Has it Right.


This is about the size of it I reckon.  Govts are not so much insane and evil as simple blind and deluded,  Blinded and deceived by their own sycophants as often as not z-man could have said I think.



More Spam From Me

I tried to send our Premier some information such as this because he/his department didn’t seem to be aware of it. He or his Department now block my emails on the stated ground that they’re likely to be spam.

I’ve had no communication from them at all.  Beyond regular ‘Dear David’ letters telling me what further restrictions and impositions they’re mandating.

That’s a pretty clear indication of how much they love their ‘dear David’  – and all the rest of us, isn’t it?

Anyway…  here’s another bit of my Spam. This time from the University of British Columbia, that well known source of such.

Please don’t offend any of our politicians by letting them see any of it:

Viruses — lots of them — are falling from the sky
An astonishing number of viruses are circulating around the Earth’s atmosphere — and falling from it
study mentioned in the above article

Now Finally Comprehensive Facts

The Spectator has Luke Massey doing a sterling job of collecting, collating and presenting the facts in amongst this welter of bullshit.

Here they are.  Read them and weep. Weep no at the savage virulence of covid for it isn’t there.  Weep for the savage virulence of our politicians etc, who’re driving this current emergency we are all suffering from:

Just the facts: Coronavirus in Australia by the numbers

I Find This Hard To Believe


In fact I find it almost impossible to believe.  They are going to vaccinate children without their parent’s consent when the children don’t need anything and with a vaccination that is unproven and has a steadily mounting toll of adverse reactions?

If the parent’s consent is not required what about the child? Is the child’s consent required?  If it isn’t then what are they saying – all children are the property of the State?  Or are they saying that 9 and 12 year old children have reached the age of majority for legal decision making?

Or are they simply manifesting a truth: we now live in authoritarian dictatorships and democracy is dead?
