The Best Article On The Whole Covid Thing

Best article I’ve found yet that gets it all together under one cover.

Send this to your MP,  to any MP,  to anyone/everyone – to those poor dupes that bring grief as part of their job, thinking they’re doing good: policemen etc..

Send this, share this:

More Climate Rubbish

I find it very difficult to be a ‘climate denier’.  I found it easy to ‘deny’ that the climate change was caused by humans. I checked that out pretty quick and found it to be nonsense as best I could make out from all the stuff I found and read.

But to think the climate is not warming at all!  Well that’s a very different thing.  I mean you’d expect some change one way or another kinda instinctively anyway, wouldn’t you?

But perhaps in geologic time hundreds of years of stasis are normal.

Anyway nowadays I find it more and more certain that not only are we not causing climate change but there’s actually no climate change going on!!

Like here:


Govt Illegality

Prof Zimmerman explains very clearly how governments are doing wrong.

Now we all know what excuse the governments use for all they do:  they are saving lives.  They say. They segued into this stance after initially claiming to be merely lightening the load on the medical services.

Which, under resourced as they are, still were never overloaded so they’ve changed their tune and it is now about ‘saving lives’:  ‘we’ll never be safe until we’re all safe’ and such.

So it is important at every airing of any discussion on this subject whatever to state it clear and simple:

The govt is not saving lives with these actions.

They are NOT.  There’s much evidence.  For now, here, I’ll just say that.  They are NOT.

Now to Prof Zimmerman:

Alarm and Despondency


I think what governments are doing now could have got them imprisoned when I was a child.

During the war it was an offence to spread or cause ‘alarm and despondency’.

And when you think about what our governments have done it is nothing else but that.

They have most certainly done their best to spread alarm and the natural corollary of that, intended or not, is despondency quite often.

When separated from your family and friends in, for instance,  a care home,  it’d take a strong spirit indeed not to get despondent.

There used to be a concept: ‘morale’.  I never hear any mention of it today.  But it used to be on everyone’s lips for all knew it was important at all costs to keep ‘morale up’.   For the sake of all.

There’s no attempt by our governments to keep morale up nor has  there ever been.

And once a war commenced then a large part of the intelligence effort was always the reports from the front line.  For that’s where they discovered what weapons and tactics worked and what didn’t.

In this scenario we have here the front line is completely ignored or even denigrated, even prohibited to be mentioned.  For the front line is exemplified by such ‘heroes’  as Dr Kory and his peers in the Front Line  Covid Critical Care Alliance  (FLCCC Alliance) where they’ve discovered their best weapon is Ivermectin.

Such morale boosting and heartening news is kept – deliberately kept – from the public.

This is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Outrageous lies are told as a matter of course,  the ‘enemy’ is never clearly described as to numbers and potency but it is always represented as being something like the Black Death.

This is not exaggeration. This is quite clearly the case.

Totally useless practices are adopted and even mandated in the name of combating this awful menace which makes it appear to be imminent at all times and all of us powerless entirely to do anything but obey.

This is spreading alarm and despondency in the clearest possible terms.

Out of morbid curiosity I did a little check and what do you know – I discovered that the Defence Force Discipline Act of 1982,  Section 18 provides for a penalty of 2 years imprisonment for spreading reports intended to ‘create despondency or unnecessary alarm’.

Which is quite clearly what the whole nation has been subjected to for the last eighteen months.

The Defence Force Act of course relates to Defence members or Defence civilians.

It would be my contention that when acting ostensibly to direct the defences of a State or Nation against an enemy such persons are de facto and by their profession ‘Defence Members’ and therefore notionally at least subject to the Act.


Of course, in the common view of the ordinary people there’s  no question:  the governments have been ‘defending’ the nation and the governments have spread alarm and despondency,  have ignored the intelligence from the front line and have been instrumental in a catastrophic attack on the nation’s morale.

It seems clear that both from a technical legal point of view and from a commonplace  point of view our government members are guilty of breaching s18 of the Defence Force Discipline Act.



Face Masks To Damage Our Children

I just hear that when SA lockdown is lifted children will return to school and facemasks will be mandatory.

  1.  Children are at virtually no risk from the virus.
  2. . Children have been shown to not shed virus – no risk to others.
  3.  Facemasks have been shown all over the world to be ineffective in stopping spread.
  4.  Recent authoritative study demonstrates damage to children by facemasks.
  5.  Recent authoritative study demonstrates damage to children by facemasks.
  6.  Recent authoritative study demonstrates damage to children by facemasks.
  7.  Recent authoritative study demonstrates damage to children by facemasks.
  8.  Recent authoritative study demonstrates damage to children by facemasks.
  9.  Recent authoritative study demonstrates damage to children by facemasks.
  10.  Recent authoritative study demonstrates damage to children by facemasks.

Here:   Facemask Danger

Youtube Censorship Again


I posted this link a little while ago.  It points to a long discussion.  So I tried to put a small part of it up on Youtube.  I got censored.  Threatened with being banned.

They are quite shameless, I found.  They tell you straight out that you’re not allowed to say anything at all contrary to the prevailing words and attitudes of the WHO.

That, of course, is virtually the whole basis of our society, our democracy. The right to free speech.  Freedom of opinion. The right to hold whatever opinions you come up with and to be able to express them.

Famous old line, isn’t it – ‘I don’t agree with what you say but I’ll defend to the death you’re right to say it.’ ?

Isn’t that right?

Proudest boast of democracy.

Now I find out for myself what many, many have experienced and known full well for quite some time now: that freedom is dead in our society now.


Which is bad enough. What’s worse?

No one seems to care.

Everyone should sit through this, I think:

Send This To Your Politicians – To Anyone’s Pollies


This won’t be very popular because it just tells the truth

The truth is not popular today.  But you gotta try.

Just send the link to your pollies.  To any pollies.  Of course they won’t look at it.  If they look  at it they won’t understand it (because it talks truth).  If they understand it they won’t act on it.

But we’ve got to try.  Don’t we?