Yep. This Spectator Article Has It Right.


The evil of it all just keeps growing and growing.  Now we see the CDC has actually been hiding the truth.

That is: they haven’t been acting in ignorance of the truth. They knew it all the time.  But chose to hide it.  That’s culpable to the extreme, isn’t it?


Now This Is What We’ve Got Right Now In Aus.


Every despicable thing Malone and Cole talk about here is condoned and even current right here in Aus. even South Aus – while the politicians who’ve been party to this for the last two years ask us to re elect them.

Whilst our money bill piles ever higher and they forget to mention it our health bill of people who were denied and overlooked treatment and hurt and damaged during those two year also piles higher.  And they don’t mention their complicity in it either.

Malone and Cole:

And our money bill:

And none of that mentions those thousands who lost jobs and small businesses and holidays and thousands of dollars in enforced quarantines, etc.  and couldn’t get into/out the country/the State…

The agonies and the injustices were just piled one on top of the other.  For an emergency that never existed.

Out of nothing they’ve built a mountain of crap.  A mountain.

And established the precedent: that democracy can be thrown away at the drop of a hat.  There’s been a coup d’etat not by a foreign country but quite simply by the forces of power made greed that exist within every politician and probably every govt. department head and corporate boss.

And even today there’s thousands compromising their own health, their immune systems, their respiratory efficacy by breathing through sodden cloths thick with their own respiratory detritus.

But what they’re doing to their physical health is as nothing compared to what they’re doing to their psychological and spiritual health. Broken in mind and spirit.

Walking analogies for the state of the nation.

Parading before our children as object lessons.  Something to look up to !! ??

And the babies – those little creatures in the imprinting stage?  That even goes well into primary school life, actually, imprinting, subliminal adopted of understandings – what do they perceive?

That human beings are foul, dangerous, dirty creatures to be avoided, walled off, kept at arms length….

How bloody  insane and disgraceful is all that?  It beggars belief…


Yep. They Want Us To Re – Elect Them.


I said they would.  They have mismanaged and destroyed people, lives, careers, businesses, the economy, democracy, medicine, everything and anything they could touch – and now they want us to re – elect them.

Got my email from South Australia’s Steven Marshall.  Spouting that we need him to make a ‘stronger democracy’.

I was moved to reply like this:

dhawcroft <>
To:Steven Marshall
Thu, 24 Feb at 4:53 am
A stronger future means a stronger democracy.
That means more democracy – not ’emergency’ dictatorship.
Declared and redeclared again and again in the absence of any emergency.
It means strengthening free speech, free choice,  free action,  not the demonising and curtailing of them all.
It means promotion of truth, logic, science and not brutal stupid unjust insistence on that which is without logic, truth or science.
It apparently means every you don’t stand for and have not championed and have not delivered in the last two years.
Just how stupid do you think we all are?

And I’d guess they – and he – think we’re immeasurably stupid.  Immeasurably.  Else why would we have worn this last two years?  Why would we still be wandering around like docile meek little lambs wearing completely unscientific and useless masks against a threat that isn’t even there?

And ignoring the immense damage done over the last two years?


I think they’ve got our measure.  Or think they have.

And there’s a new player:  UAP.  But do they talk any different?  Do they say anything about all that? About the steamrollering into the ground of democracy and the rape of the State’s coffers,  the destruction of education, medicine, businesses, etc..  ?   Nope.  Not that I saw.

Looks to me like they’re just lining up for what they hope will be their turn to use draconian dictatorial powers whenever the fancy takes them.

We need a real ‘new’ and ‘alternative’ govt.  One that is real and tells the truth and uses the truth.

Anyone see any signs of one please let me know.  For I don’t.


This Is What We Have in Australia: And Fail To See


Now this is pretty horrible.  The picture it paints.  The things it evokes.  Talk of ‘tyranny’  and ‘treason’ and all that goes with all that.    Virtually no one will believe it.  Will credit it.  Will give it any time. Will worry the slightest about it.

That’s because we don’t  believe in horror. We don’t believe in pain.  We don’t believe in injustice.  We don’t believe ‘it can happen to me’.

Most of these thing we learn as children and we learn by experiencing it. We can’t be told. We have to experience it.  Hot things burn.  Unsafe things hurt.  All sorts of things it seems we can only learn from experience.

Well there’s a thing that often we don’t learn as children because fortunately our lives are generally too safe,  too pleasant for any occasion to arise where we’d learn.

We don’t learn we can be imprisoned and beaten and robbed of every thing.

There’s an old joke in the military pertinent to this.  It’s a convicted person at the door of a cell saying  “You can’t lock me up ! ”  and the joke is:  “Mind your fingers…’Clang’  ”

Well that’s it.  The airy fairy fancy notions of liberty, justice, freedom all are as nothing until you learn from experience and are deprived of them.

Until the cell door goes ‘clang’ and there you are: caged as an animal, kenneled as a dog,  ignored and unhelped by the whole world, powerless entirely, stripped of everything and in particular personal dignity.

You can’t believe you can be ‘locked up’ not even when it happens.  It takes time to sink in.

But eventually it does and ever after there’s a change in your psychology.  You know something that most of the world, most of our world anyway, doesn’t know.

You are no longer rosy tinted glasses naive.   And ‘freedom’ now has a meaning. ‘Justice’ now has a meaning.   And so on.

So that’s why these kinds of texts get nowhere, do nothing, mean nothing, because people are naive and don’t know and can’t believe.

But it IS true.  Freedom IS a thing you can lose in an instant.  Justice IS a thing that can disappear in that same instant.  Rights ARE something you can be stripped of.

The world DOES contain deep fundamental evils.

Your fellow citizens around you DO contain those who would happily bash you, lock you down, steal everything you have, lie you into deep trouble, reduce you to a nothing.

This is reality.

This is the nature of human reality.  And it is only by careful and persistent and intelligent effort that we are protected against it all and a relatively fair, just, safe and sensible existence is able to continue.

In other words it has to be worked at, worked for, worked to maintain.

And it all can be undone by one line of writing.

Sounds impossible? Histrionic?  No. Think.  Of course that’s the way it is.  Whole Wars that will kill even millions are initiated ‘legalised’ by one line of text in some document.  The ‘declaration of war’ document.

Given that one line of text thousands and thousands, even millions, take up their weapons and go about the deliberate murder of whole populations and smashing of their whole civilization if possible – and of course those on the other side do exactly the same thing.  On the basis of their ‘one line of text’.

Now here’s the thing: On that one line of text people change from being people to being mere ‘functionaries’.  Performers of functions. Like machines purposed for a certain task.

Imagine two neighbours living each side of national border.  One of the one nationality, the other of the other.

Before that line of text declaring a war is written those two neighbours may communicate freely and cooperate well – interact as equal and complete humans.

After that line of text they will kill each other on command under ‘protection’ or ‘guise’ or ‘necessity’ of their ‘function’ : ‘soldier in a war’.

Point?  That simple single lines of text are important.  In times such as the complete and utter disaster and raving madness of war you could say they literally define the whole of reality.

And there’s one line of text has defined reality for nearly the whole of the world recently and even right here in Australia.

And that line of text has changed reality utterly, has slammed the prison door with a ‘clang’ and revoked everything you thought was true and right about your existence.

Because that line of text was an effective ‘coup d’etat’ that conquered your democracy and replaced it with a dictatorship

That’s what this article is about, what it describes, what it explains.

And the line of text we are talking about?  The line of text in Hansard where it says the Parliament has voted a ‘State of Emergency’.

And the simple, obviousl, starkly plain, utter and complete proof this is an evil ‘coup d’etat’ and not some desperate last ditch measure we had to resort to?   There is not, was not any emergency.  Search the records, deaths, hospitalisation, ICU beds, any and everything and I defy you to find anything that you can point to and say ‘this is beyond anything we’ve ever experienced or ever could cope with and hence it constitutes an emergency’.

You won’t.  You can’t.

And to declare Emergency and suspend democracy and seize dictatorial power improperly in that manner is literally an ‘attack’ on our democracy.

And such an attack is, as this article points out and quotes the Canadian constitution in support:  simple treason.

So.  No one believes.  For they don’t know.  They haven’t been burned by this fire yet. They still think ‘You can’t lock me up..’

Living in fairyland.  Believing in Santa Claus.

But here is the truth:



Leader of the Free World: A Mad Tyrant.

Look at this:  Biden in the USA extending the ‘national’ State of Emergency on the grounds of Covid.  !!

There never was any emergency.  And there most certainly is not one now.

Not a medical Covid emergency.  The emergency is the insane power madness and total malfeasance of governments everywhere.

Look at this clown. Walking around in the open with a mask on!  Flaunting insanity.  It is the rule.  You must agree to the insanity. The emperor IS wearing clothes is the mantra.  You MUST agree.

Just because virtually no shots have been fired no one thinks there’s a world war on.  But there is.  This is World War III and we’re losing.

And Yet MORE Proof That Masks Are An Evil Nonsense:


Here’s Tom Woods talking from the USA and showing a chart on which two American Counties in California with all the same things happening in each except one:  Masks.  One county insists on masks. The other county has no masks.

Yet HOSPITALISATIONS  follow exactly the same path in each.  The same.

Identical paths.

With one small difference:  they are GREATER in the MASKED.

I don’t know why. There’s no report on that.  But it makes sense.  Masks have their greatest effect right there in front of your nose in collecting up virus and bacteria that you would have otherwise freely shed into the air, gotten out of you.

Now every inward breath brings them back in.

Plus it provides a relatively dark warm humid environment for bacteria to breed in.

In other words they’re unhealthy.

See the chart.  They’ve been presented to us regularly over the last two years and here we are, they’re still coming, because it is still true: Masks are madness.  Irrationality.   Signals of obedience to the naked emperor.

More Proof Of Mask Fraud

It is very sad, all those people plodding around in masks, desperately trying to do the right thing,  do their best to help and protect self and others.

And doing no good at all in that direction. Not at all.

And doing much harm unintentionally in other directions. They don’t intend it but they’re doing it.

What does the appearance of all those masked people teach the young?  From tiny babies looking at mother’s hidden face to older but still impressionable children?

It teaches them that’s what people look like for a start.  Little babies are going to ‘imprint’ on that. How horrifying that very thought.  Monstrous.  Literally.  Teaching our tiny children that the human race is some masked anonymous thing.  Like imprinting them on a robot.

The next thing it teaches – subliminally, by inference  at the very least but really very pointedly actually – is that humans are dangerous.  That the proximity of your fellows is a threat, a danger.  That the breath of another human being is loaded with menace.

Those masks are not saying anything about medicine or viruses or covid, they’re saying something, a massive something, about people, about humanity.

They are building psychosis, they are perpetuating anti social behaviour,  they cultivate the sociopath.

Then the next thing they teach is that thinking is verboten.  Do not questions, do not look for rationality,  just do.  That there is some over-riding menace or threat that demands you do this without question.

Every masked individual sends a subliminal message regarding status:  serf. You are a serf.  Do not think.  Do not question.  Just do. Or else.

Children, whether you believe it or not when you consider their attitudes often to school and perhaps their performance there,  are soaking up learning all the time.  And they soak all that up.  All of it and more.

Children by nature designed to question the world they find themselves in,  the ways of the adults,  the structures of the past,  always looking for holes and threadbare parts,  see all of this and see the horror of it on one side and the ludicrous irrationality on the other.

This breeds a deep and abiding disrespect for the social institutions of the present.  It breeds a deep anti-social sentiment.  It robs the young of a chance to feel affectionate identification with the system they have been born  into.

As an orphan can perhaps more readily feel disaffection and marginalisation, loneliness, lack of friends, peers, understanding, love,  so any child looking at our current deeply irrational and inhuman social spectacle can tend in that direction, too.

All of this and more is what wearing a mask is actually doing.

When ‘authorities’ and ‘leaders’ ludicrously wear masks in situations where it’s absolutely totally beyond credible that they could do any good at all even if they were capable then they are saying to the crowd:  ‘See this ludicrous irrationality and do not remark on it.  Accept it.  Copy it.’

And that is exactly the same as ‘the emperor has not clothes.’  It is precisely the same.

The emperor is parading before us and demanding we agree that he is clothed.

We must accept the madness in order to belong.

This is a fundamental step towards creating madness, you know? Make people accept the irrational, the mad, the crazy,  the illogical, the impossible and they’ll begin to go insane.

And that’s what the masks when ostentatiously worn by ‘important’ figures are doing.

And when we get down back to the little kids again we are all ‘important figures’ and any wearing of a mask is ‘ostentatious’,  deeply significant.

The human race is riddled by such ridiculous ostentations. Most clearly obvious perhaps in religious dress, costumes.  Men parade around in all kinds of elaborate costumes including strange headgear and solemnly declare they do it on the express instructions of the universal God with whom they have a close relationship and these costumes are necessary and proper and in themselves indicate a prestigious state for that person.

The military do this also.

Whole communities since the dawn of time do it.  How about those people who stretch their ears to take bigger and bigger wooden plugs?  Or put rings around their necks to make them longer and longer?  Or bones through the noses?  Etc.  etc.

It’s a norm.  And usually pretty harmless.  So you grow thinking people with long necks epitomise beauty.  Well I guess that’s okay. Not too bad.

But growing to believe masked human beings epitomise the human race and the human condition and the nature of humanity:  that’s a step too far.  That’s madness gone mad.

It is not a little thing.  It is not unimportant.  It is majorly important.  You don’t just mask or not mask in your own little world and it effects no one and nothing else.  You make a statement and become a presences that creates a reality and sends a message that goes to the core of the whole human experience.

The face of another human being and the breath of another human beings should mean life and love and be a mirror of the self, something one should identify with and seek to draw closer to,  bond with.  That’s in fact the whole of infant ‘imprinting’ and learning in the early years.

It should not be a danger flag,  a potential menace,  a signal to beware and avoid, shun, hide from.

That’s a perversion of truth that’s truly horrific.  A horror.  And all of that is true even if they worked as advertised. Even if they worked.  So that even if they worked we should be employing them only when absolutely driven to do so, as a last resort and should always be keen to abandon their use as soon as possible.

It is axiomatic that you only interfere in the body and its natural processes when you must and you desist as soon as possible.  We give morphine for pain and stop as soon as we can. Why? Because it can lead to Morphine addiction.  We stop giving antibiotics as soon as we can.  Why?  Because an antibiotic kills ‘good’ bacteria and well as ‘bad’ (amongst other things).  We stop giving Insulin to diabetics as soon as we can on the one hand,  sugar on the other, because dose is everything.

And so on.

Yet with this mask thing no limits whatever.  No matching of efficacy against use.  None.  No measuring.  No comparing.  No assessments.

But this ‘intervention’,  the ‘substance’ is just ‘given’ and ‘given’ and ‘given’ indiscriminately again and again and again and at the command of those who have no credentials or right to make such commands but who seize the ‘right’ on a claim of a spurious ‘state of emergency’ which actually would  never exist were it not for them and their actions.

So all of this is a terribly provocative distortion of reality and threat to our whole social structure and group  psychology and all predicated on the supposition, the claim, the masks ‘work’.

But as thousands have repeatedly said, they don’t even work:

And here’s yet another demonstration of that fact:




What Masks Actually Do. Shown Graphically

What would you have to do, I wonder, to get Australians to look at this?

If they did look – would they understand?  Surely they would?

How can it be possible that across the nation currently from PM down to your local petty primary school boss no one appears to understand?

I dunno.

But here’s the facts,  plainly shown in charts within this article on Canada.

What The Vaxes Are Supposed To Do.

I think virtually nobody understands what the Vaxes are supposed to do.

They ‘ve been conned by govt. and media to believe the Vaxes ‘protect’ us. Protect the nation.  Without them we are ‘unprotected’, etc.  We need everyone to be ‘protected’ and then we finally are ‘protected’.

How that crazy logic works I don’t know. It protects you but you’re still not protected if everyone is not ‘protected’ ?

It’s a ‘suit of armour’  that only works if everyone has a suit of armour of their own?   Don’t beat about the bush. That’s just plain and simple insanity.

Anyway,  I thought it was perhaps worth attempting to draw a line picture to show what the Vaxes do.

Okay?  Now here’s the truth.

Covid seriously effects and/or kills something like 0.25 % of the population.

That means that if this is the population  ( 50 dashes long )

The half of half of one dash will be effected by the virus.

Half of half of this: –

Now Pfizer said their vaccine – way back before they found it was useless and had to give second and third doses to try to ‘make it work’ – would increase that effective protection by 0.1%.

So after the vax if it did work then how many would be effected would still be, in our picture, because we can’t show any finer detail, this many:

0.1% less than half of half of this:  –    (one dash)

And that’s what everyone is arguing about.

And killing democracy because of.

And  lying and cheating a stealing and destroying nations.

And in fact we’ve found it’s not even true – they repeat ‘doses’ and repeat again to try make it true.

0.1% of half of half of this:  –

How real do you reckon all that is?

Chris Martensen Shows The Vaxxes Are Experiments.

Chris looks at a recent paper which shows mRNA and Spike Protein persist in the body for eight weeks in some cases.  The study ended after eight weeks so how long they really persist we just don’t know.

Chris points out that this persistence and the migration of the stuff from the injection site to lymph nodes were both emphatically denied as possibilities way back.

So this means the unexpected – even the thought impossible – is happening.

When a process does not go as expected it becomes an experiment.  It gets watched and studied to see what the truth is.  It is accepted immediately that the truth is not known. That we have something new.  That this now is an experiment.

That’s what the vaxing is. Because of this.  Simply an experiment.

And people have been conned into making their children and their family into experiment subjects.