Pauline Hanson and ‘No pandemic’


There’s a Youtube vid showing Pauline Hanson having got angry about the wicked stupidity of what they’re doing in Queensland,  and claiming, I think, that ‘there’s no pandemic’.

And this comment got posted there and i think it is correct:


no pandemic? that’s an understatement. there’s none of this is for real. It is all bull. Covid is not an extraordinary menace. It ranks with flu, in that area. Such as it has happened before many times (without stopping the world to deal with it) and it will happen again many times. It is a bullshit charade. There’s no menace beyond the ordinary. Just say: no menace. So there could be no emergency. There was no emergency out there in the world. Look past all the figures they’re scaring you with and check excess mortality, fudged figures, etc. etc.. And offset against that the proven clear to see well documented absolutely dead certain harm caused by the interventions. So we’ve got a vast illegality. For we’ve got govt ‘mandates’ predicated on a legislature declaring a state of emergency. Well the legislature has no right whatever to declare states of emergency when there in not one. For the legislatures prime responsibility is to preserve the wellbeing of the citizens and when your ‘state of emergency’ automatically brings harm, suffering, economic damage and even death to your citizens then you’re failing in your task and overstepping your authority. But the ultimate villain is us: the people. We shouldn’t be crazy enough to do these insane things no matter who tells you to do them. I couldn’t understand the ostensible idiocy of the population this last year. But I finally got it spelled out for me. A woman said: ‘better safe than sorry’. And suddenly I understood. And it made sense. It’s not that the people are stupid, en masse. I knew they couldn’t be, not that stupid for god’s sake. No. It’s that they don’t know what the truth is. They don’t know what works and what doesn’t. They don’t know who to believe. They simply don’t know. So they figure ‘better safe than sorry’ and do what the govt ‘mandates’ they should do. While we go barmy tearing our hair out at the sheer illogic, unreason, madness of it all. I think that’s about the guts of the matter. The liars have got the people so bamboozled they don’t know what to believe. So they say ‘better safe than sorry’. Which is leading us all into doom. Literally. All our treasured democratic rights and freedoms gone. Including the right to speak, including the right to mention things, even, and including the right to have a government that tells the truth and cares for you. So I think the thing to do now is stop trying to find more proof of how useless and unnecessary all these interventions are and how duplicitous all the government propaganda is. Stop It. It didn’t work. It hasn’t been working. It won’t work. Instead switch to the guts of the matter: ‘better be safe than sorry’ Which means: show them that they’re not safe show them this road is leading them into greater and greater peril. Show them the damage already done. Publicise everywhere and everyway every example we can find of damage being done and about to be done. Dramatically. Graphically. Sunetra Gupta’s site: collateral global does an excellent job of compiling dry statistics and it could be a source of stuff to be presented to people far more dramatically. Her site is dry, factual, serious, scholarly and without punch. We need to punch. Show them the dangers. And then say to them ‘better safe than sorry’ when they can see that ‘safe’ means stop this hysteria and blind obedience to madness.

Jeremy and Vaccines and Stuff

You know, amazing though it sounds, the more you look into this vaccine thing the  more startlingly like a major misinformation, disinformation and outright scam it looks.

You wouldn’t believe that, would you?

Well start here:  all the diseases supposedly  eradicated by the ‘miracle’ of vaccines were nearly gone already simply because of the belated rise of hygiene and clean water availability.

Them Victorians was pretty dirty. Took a while to get over it. Massive influx of peasant peoples into the cities that didn’t have room for them.

There’s undisputed graphs showing that.  There is.  True.

So here’s  Jeremy Hammond.  Banging his drum about it for quite some time now. Like a lonely little drummer.  An ‘anti-vaxxer’ you think and turn away from him without a glance.

Nope.  Well worth a glance and a bit more.  Well worth it.

Especially right now.

Could start here:

Won’t Someone Help Tiffany?

Here’s a struggling classical pianist whom I don’t think even gets enough to eat, she’s so poor. Living on handouts from Patreon and they’re not enough.

Killed career and life-wise by the covid madness.

Give her a hand for god’s sake…

Like she’s a really nice person,  she tries really hard and was a musical prodigy as a child and guess what?  she plays beautifully….

Child Minding Robots

Decades ago – but not too many – science fiction writers used to hypothesize, speculate,  write fiction on what child  minding robots might be like.  Did they ever come to be.

Well here they are.

And they are so different to what was expected or imagined that it seems hardly anyone even realises they’re here.

But who looks after children any more?

Where are all the bored, idle children, meat for the devil ‘finding work for idle hands’ ?   Children ‘up to mischief’ ?

Children whining they’ve got nothing to do.  Children complaining their toy isn’t as good as the neighbour’s toy?

Children always getting in your way wanting to help and see what you’re doing?

Children constantly coming up with schemes for something new they want to do, with our without you?

Where are the children?

In the parks? In the streets?  Hanging around the kitchen? In the lounge?  In the backyard?

Nope.  Gone.

Where are they?  Sitting around somewhere unobtrusive and playing with a smartphone or a laptop or a computer.

Where they’ll easily spend half a day given the chance.  12 hours, no problem.

Day after day after day.

I’ve seen it and tested it.  A whole two weeks school holiday and two children who spent the whole time doing that: ‘interacting’ with their phones, computers, whatever.

And those phones, laptops, computers – they all talk to each other, via the internet, don’t they?

And they talk to other computers: ‘servers’  that no one has ever seen (of us) and which serve up all kinds of stuff:  games, movies, current affairs, porn, education…. everything.

So it turns out there’s really just one great big ‘computer’ or ‘cybermachine’ to which all the kids are connected.

And it looks after them,  tends, apparently, to their every need for hours and hours and days and days on end…

A child minding robot.

A global child minding robot.

And it has taken our children like the pied piper and, unlike the pied piper, it will never give them back.

But it is peaceful without them, isn’t it?


Indigenes Golden Opportunity


Indigenes have a magnificent boon denied the rest of us.

They have a guaranteed home, a place, property in the nation.

We have no such thing.  We can pay millions for a home and if we don’t continually pay the taxes and charges eventually it’ll be sold up to pay them.

Hence whatever we call ‘home’ is only ever on loan to us.  We are leasing it.

But indigenes have common land granted to them upon which they can very largely live as they wish.

In whatever kind of home they choose to build.

And they’ ll never get put off that land,  thrown out of that home.

That’s generally true I think.  It follow from this being ‘tribal’ land belonging to them and from which they can ban access to anyone else.

The situation gets very complicated of course because it is a whole industry making profits from this situation and these people and organisations and offices and officers and publications abound.

And you can read them until your eyes fall out and you still won’t really know what’s going on.  Except that quite obviously there’s a hell of a lot of people doing fine out of this.

Here’s one:  The National Indigenous Australians Agency.  I won’t put the link here because the system will make it open up right here in the middle of my text.

But it  mentions all kinds of things and gives me the impression that there could be communities where housing is not free.  Well I know there are.

And I suppose it could even be that not paying rent could cause the council in such a place to tell the occupiers they’ll have to get out.

I doubt that they’d pay rates anywhere because that’s a tax on the ‘value’ of the land and and that isn’t traded wouldn’t have a value in that way.

But the same thing: if they didn’t pay the rates perhaps they’d be ordered out, kinda ‘sold up’ as we would be.

But in either case, if true, the people ‘ordered out’ find themselves standing on a land they own. That they are said to own. That you and I are banished from.

And right there and then they can start building whatever they like, one assumes, all the way from a wurley to a shed to a shack to a home…  wherever they like.

Leave aside the question of any hassles they may get from their local ‘council’  (a western imposition on their traditional life) or from , more properly you’d assume,  the tribe as a whole in the traditional sense,  for we know nothing of this and don’t much care.

What we know is that the land is ‘theirs’ in a communal sense of the most basic kind: i.e. each and every member of the community can take as they wish.

We don’t have that communal sense any more.  Our nation is ‘ours’ in a communal sense that doesn’t allow of us helping ourselves.

But we assume they still cling the more closely to the original meaning of the word and the original habits of human beings.

So to our mind at least any aboriginal on tribal land always has a ‘home’ on that land whereas we don’t  on our land.

And that’s a root difference of the most important kind.

That’s a boon of the most enormous size.

Now here’s a link to that agency as an example of the agencies that exist.  You’ll see here they claim that aboriginals have influence over 40% of Australia’s land mass.

Well what do you know.  It hasn’t automatically opened up.  I think it will if I make it a link.  I didn’t realise/remember that I must choose to do that.

Well I won’t.  If you are interested to look then cut and paste.




America Today. Leading The Way.

This is the way we are all going.  You’d be keen to deny that.  Not here, not here,  you’d cry.  But look how the whole world is docilely accepting all kinds of covid stupidity.

From any corner of the world now you can see news clips regarding anything at all and  find standing around all over the place people with masks on.  In public places.  In the open air.  Far from everyone else.   I’ve even seen them in the jungle.

The world is mad.   As mad as it was in the witch trials.  As mad is the Aztecs were with their temples for sacrifice.  As mad as Mao’s china and Stalin’s Russia.

One lone voice telling it as it is – Ann Coulter

Derek Chauvin, Human Sacrifice

Plea To Politicians about Ivermectin

Made a plea to a couple of politicians today about Ivermectin.

Just for them to read about it and then do something to make it available to us, the people.

For it is a harmless drug used for treatment of parasite infestations and yet sworn by many , many doctors to be efficient in both prophylaxis and treatment of Covid.

But you can’t get it.

Because it is prescription only.

And the doctors I approached had initially never even heard of it.

They googled it.

And then turned away from it.

I gave one links to a bunch of other Doctors  who were publicly pleading for Doctors everywhere and the authorities, the politicians, the opinion makers, the journalists, anyone and everyone to have a look at their data, their studies, their testimony of their own treatments on their own patients and:

He wouldn’t even look.

Now how good is that?

Here’s an elderly population facing what they’re told is a horrible disease that might even kill them and the chance of life saver that at the very worst would at least be a harmless placebo is denied them!

Denied them with a flick of the wrist.

Denied them to save the trouble of a mouse click and a disinterested couple of minutes screen reading.

How good is that?

What’s that like for a commentary of the state of things today.

Remember Barry Jones? ‘Sleepers Awake’?

Yes, well.  Wake up.

Isn’t it time we all woke up?

Need Any More Proof????

Here’s a beaut page with 17 charts showing the ineffectiveness of lockdowns and masks.

Not here to argue the reasons why.  Not here to argue the science, the theories,  this, that or the other:  just look at the practical fact:  they have not worked and they are not working. They Do Not Work!

So people are suffering even unto dying For Nothing!!!


Post-Thanksgiving mask charts: Still no evidence that masks work