It is debatable whether there are any excess deaths at all. But Dr Sam Bailey of NZ posts a video on Youtube where she details the faults and shortcomings of trying to ascribe all ‘excess deaths’ to covid, even if there are any.
If there are none, as was suggested before, then Dr Sam’s remarks still remain pertinent of course for they pertain to the claimed death numbers for Covid in fact, whether part of an excess or not.
Dr Sam brings out these points that need to be considered and which mitigate against arbitrarily (which, of course, is the practice) ascribing supposed ‘excess’ deaths to Covid:
. Excess death can be, could have been, caused by massive medical malpractice in the early months of the infection. For back in those days phenomenal doses of Hydroxychloroquine were give in some jurisdictions to the most frail and elderly presumably in hopes of some miracle cure. But doses such that normal practice would call for emergency procedures to be immediately instituted if it were known a patient had received such a does.
There were, of course, many deaths. Drastic effect on the death rate.
. Patient care mismanagement and deaths due to lockdowns themselves. There’s no sensible dispute about this. Especially in the early days respirators were killing patients for instance. And no patients (perhaps to this day) were getting any basic immune system enhancements like Vit D. And it grows more and more into common awareness that locking down many people is prejudicial to their health even unto death. There’s direct death from things like suicide of the psychologically unbalanced and indirect death from failure to get diagnoses and treatments. It has even been observed that patients on regular life support treatments have failed to get that regular treatment: like kidney dialysis for instance. Incredible reports. Unfortunately it seems we must credit them.
. The ‘harvesting’ effect. A natural and recurring phenomenon wherein a succession of years of mild winter season with only mild flu attacks and such (bronchitis, general URT illnesses and such) eventually has the run ‘broken’ by a quite harsh season which ‘harvests’ all the prone from the earlier years.
. The famous ‘case’ problem. Never clearly defined in common alarmist use Dr Sam points out that the accepted WHO (I think it was) definition boils down to simple a PCR positive result. Well PCR positive means that particles of an RNA string to be found in the virus have been found. No more. No less. Well – a little bit ‘more’ – we can gauge from the number of cycles required to reach a perceptual threshold just how many of these particles were found. It’s generally accepted that if it takes more than about 24 (I think it is) cycles to perceive any particles then they exist in too small a quantity to be able to reasonably infer that they indicate any sort of infection. It is common in the USA to use as many as 42 cycles. No more need be said. Such ‘cases’ are suspect to the greatest degree.
. Reclassification from other causes. It is documented and Dr Sam provides references that many jurisdiction have cases redefined as Covid cases when under normal circumstances medical staff would have put the cause of death down as something else. It is widely known today think. People are written down as dying ‘of’ covid when they died merely ‘with’ detected covid. And when that detection was PCR 40 cycle detection we can see how we should view such statistics.
. incentive. Dr Sam records how in some US hospitals they were paid by govt. a $13,000 grant for a Covid admission. It that admission then proceeded to ventilator treatment the grant went up to $39,000. Senator Dr Scott Jensen in the USA brought all this to light. Dr Sam provides references.
All this is very, very pertinent to understanding what is happening with Covid.
The interventions are very, very expensive in every possible way and they are predicated on a supposed understanding of Covid. That supposed understanding would need to be enhanced and updated as frequently and as exhaustively as possible.
And the results widely disseminated amongst the public as both a right of theirs to know and an obligation on governors to act in the interests of the governed.
I think none of it is being done. I call that in this case far worse than dereliction of duty, far worse. It is conscious and deliberate in many instances, I’m sure.
Here is the video:
Dr Sam On Excess Deaths and What We Are Not Being Told
And she provides a good list of references. For convenience I reproduce them here:
This all basically means one main thing:
Covid is being reported as a monster that it is not.
and the corollary: the interventions are not being reported as the monster they are.
and the message from that: you’re/we’re being deliberately hurt by our own government.
1. CGTN – On the Scene | Disinfection at Wuhan’s old town complex amid the coronavirus epidemic…
2. CBS This morning: Italy struggles to find space for bodies despite flattening virus curve…
3. Lockdowns more harmful than disease:…
4. Euromomo excess mortality stats:…
5. AMM (France) re: Hydroxychloroquine overdose rate:…
6. Hydroxychloroquine – usual dose:… 7. Dr Klaus Köhnlein:…
8. UK Column:
9. UK Column on YT:…
10. Years of Life Lost:…
11. Dr Klaus Püschel:…)
12. John Ioannidis on Covid YLL:…
13. PANDA – Lockdowns may cause 29 times more deaths:…
14. WHO Case definition of Covid-19:…
15. Hendrik Streeck comments:…)
16. NY Post – Deaths as ‘Covid-19’ deaths regardless of cause:…
17. Senator Dr Scott Jensen whistle-blowing on Covid-19 death certificates and payments:…
18. US HHS Document to Doctors on Covid-19 deaths:
19. Jennifer Cabrera – Death Certificates and Covid-19:…