Politicians are NOT stupid.

You know it’s one of the major things politicians have going for them that we generally think of them as stupid. And we write them off. Discount them. Ignore them. Think them not worth thinking about, interacting with.

We vote for them because we have to and as soon as that’s done we forget them as quickly as possible.

And whenever something really troubles us we go to the streets and organise marches etc, protest rallies, demonstrations – get it? anything except go to the pollies and tell them what we want of them.


But they’re not stupid. They are generally far above the common run in at least one kind of intelligence: manipulation, prevarication, opportunism, self interest.

So they’re not doing these criminal covid measures now out of a stupid inability to see the truths being presented all around and daily increasing as the situation goes on.

It’s not that they don’t understand the charts about lockdowns not working about masking not working nor the estimations of terrible damages being done or harms brought to people etc….

They’re not dumb. They’re not stupid.

And that’s why the constant shouting and iteration of the truths has no effect on them at all. Because you’re not telling them anything new. You’re not telling them anything they don’t know.

But they know something you don’t know because they are more intelligent than you in this direction, quicker, more capable.

They know this:

If you invent a phantom to frighten the people and rob them blind and destroy nearly everything how do you avoid being found out?

You need to kill the phantom.

With what? Anything. It’s a phantom. Anything can kill it.

But you need to convince the public that you have a lethal weapon and that your lethal weapon killed the phantom.

And that’s what they’re doing.

Keep the phantom active as long as they possibly can until their ‘weapon’ – a vaccine – is forcibly introduced and then the outcome has to be good.

Has to be. Because it was a phantom. It doesn’t matter if the vaccine works or not. It doesn’t need to work. It’s a phantom.

So when the measures stop and the wind drops and the turmoil ceases and we look around – all will be good.

And the pollies will say ‘see what we did’. And smile.

And big pharma will smile.

And lickspittle journalism will smile.


See? They’re streets ahead of you. They’re involved in the end game already while you’re still ‘protesting’ to each other and doing nothing, not even bugging the pollies, nothing.

So who’s the stupid one?

And so this should get written down in history as the greatest criminal coup of all time, exceeding by orders of magnitude, all things considered, the vast conspiracy of the Inquisition.

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