Wicked Deceptive Language

There is a wicked deceptive language govts in particlar use, and alarmists, panic merchants, shills for big pharma and even people who should know better.

It is this:  They refer to ‘protected’ or ‘unprotected’ as equating with ‘vaccinated’ or ‘unvaccinated’.

Even people such as UK’s Julia Harley-Brewer, a tv broadcaster supposing to find sense and reason, truth.

She gets up there and laments that people without the right vaccine will not be ‘protected’ against omicron. She should know better.  She does know better.  She should call it to mind and use speech that reflects it.

We are ALL ALWAYS ‘protected.  We are protected by our Immune Systems.

That’s how it works. With or without vaccines that’s how it works.

A vaccine tries to make your Immune System work better, at least for a while.

Your Immune strength waxes and wanes, gets better and worse.

Immediately after an injection and for a couple of weeks afterwards it is WORSE.  Weaker.

Then it supposedly gets stronger.  Then it begins to tail off.  Is the idea.

But if you’re an old sick person your ‘strengthened’ immune system is at best much, much weaker than that of a young fit person.

Doesn’t matter how much stronger you get there’s a limit imposed by your age and your sickness.  You’ll never get stronger than the young, fit, healthy no matter what you do.

Especially if you rely on vaccines and obey govt edicts to avoid all health giving measures. Especially if you do what govt tells you to do and do everything in your power to sicken yourself.

So yes, a large chunk are trying to improve their systems to where they’ll never reach anyway:  and weakening themselves for weeks in the process, making themselves even more susceptible and pushing up the stats for cases, ICU and deaths.

And another large chunk are trying to improve that which is as near to perfect already as to make no difference.

What’s complicated about that?

What’s new about it?

It is as ever was.

Simple, natural and ordinary as ABC.

You have to be suffering from Pollie’s disease:  coprocephalia, not to see it.


Steve Kirsch Brings Truth to ACIP – They will ignore it. Will You?

Don’t worry about who Steve Kirsch is.  You can check him out.  Got rich in Tech and now has a bug about the Covid thing. As we all should.

He digs up facts, reads and collects official govt data, has it analysed, etc. and presents it.

Now he’s presenting very convincing evidence of the criminal harms of vaccines.  Which,  we should note, simply goes on top of lots already found and presented by many others….

Here’s Steve’s latest:


On Checking It Seems It Wasn’t Even There…

Dr Sam Bailey even goes so far as to claim that really the Covid illness itself wasn’t even truly there!

That is other things were labelled ‘covid’.

And any PCR test – we all know – was/is used to define ‘A Case of Covid’.

But PCR does not define ‘Cases’.  NO. No. No. PCR finds “fragments” that may or may not have something to do with ‘Cases’.

And on looking back – can’t deny it now, just look – there’s been NO ‘excess deaths’ at all in many countries. None. So it’s a bit difficult to claim they have had a ‘covid epidemic’ that’s cost them thousands of lives.

And on looking back – can’t deny it now, it’s on record – thousands and thousands were mistreated in the UK and USA and literally driven to their deaths by that mistreatment.

And so on. Staggering claim isn’t it?

Well just look at it.  Give her a listen. And check every thing she says.  I dare you.


I’ll tell you what does exist though: an epidemic of coprocephalia.

See What it Cost the UK and What It Will Be Costing Aus:


See this excellent rundown on the costs to the UK.   Crippling. Astounding.  And all run up virtually ‘in secret’, with the public knowing nothing about it.

Note this paragraph from it:

“To defeat inflation, in other words, interest rates would have to be raised to over 7 percent. The debt repayment would then be close to £150 billion ($201 billion) per year at least. The equivalent, it turns out, to the government’s current spending on education, defense, policing, and transportation. In short, it will not happen.”

This is the kind of hole the world wide coprocephalic epidemic has dug for the British.  A similar hole has been dug and is being dug  for Aussies.


Take A Look And Protect Yourselves !


In this fearsome autocracy we have here people are frightened to take a look, think, ask questions, do anything at all that smacks of self protection.

And authority has no qualms whatever but hides information, refuses information,  outlaws information etc..

How many people actually know what treatment a doctor or a  hospital might give them if they had covid?

How many people actually know that it is quite reasonable to believe there’s risk involved in treatments you might get from a doctor or a hospital?

How many people know that it is estimated that the third leading cause of death in the USA is hospital error?

How many people know it is WELL documented and WELL known that thousands of deaths and illnesses have been CAUSED by inappropriate medical treatment of Covid in the USA – in and out of hospitals?

How many people are aware that almost certainly Australian practice will blindly – BLINDLY – and enforced by authority, condoned, even ‘enforced’ – follow American practice?

How many?

I’d say, effectively, none.  None.  No one at all. To all intents and purposes. As much as makes any difference at all.  None.  No one.

Now read this.  Look. Learn.  You can be made seriously sick, you can even be killed, by doctor and hospital inappropriate treatments mandated simply in the interest of Big Pharms, big profits, regardless of well known proven injurious effects.

Just look at it. Read it.  Robert F Kennedy Jr is not some nobody fly-by-night stirrer conspiracy theorist, him and his friends. They are serious people of status, experience, learning and ability who are trying to tell you a truth that will help you and yours.

Look – here’s a sample paragraph from it referring to remdesivir.  Now look this remdesivir was MANDATED by Fauci as the ONLY acceptable treatment to be given in USA hospitals !


“When the trial, which compared remdesivir against three other drugs, killed more than half (54%) of the remdesivir recipients within 28 days — the highest mortality rate among the four groups — an oversight board forced the NIAID to end the prong of the study focused on remdesivir.”

This is very likely to be given to you in Australia.  As part of ‘follow the USA’.

Note this:  They won’t even reply when you ask them !! Well not to me anyway.  Not the Dept. Health, not the Minister,  not the PM nor local hospital nor local doctors.   WILL NOT EVEN REPLY.

Now how ‘therapeutic’ is that, do you think?  What does that say to you about how much they care for your health, my health, honesty, freedom, truth?

Here, read it. It is terrible to the point where you won’t believe it.  How could OUR hospitals possibly allow such mistreatment as to kill thousands!  But this is today’s world.  Just check it out. They can. They did. They do. They are.


Fluvoxamine.. go get it…

I don’t know where/how you can get it but it’s beginning to look very much like it is something we should have.

That’s for the people who believe in doing something to help themselves and their own Immune Systems rather than sit at home doing doing nothing but wait for a dangerous vaccine to kick their immune systems into flawed premature action against an enemy that might have already mutated into something different.

Here: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/nih-is-still-unsure-whether-fluvoxamine?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgyNTU1NSwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDU4OTIyODMsIl8iOiJIQ0lsOSIsImlhdCI6MTY0MDIzMTU1MiwiZXhwIjoxNjQwMjM1MTUyLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNTQ4MzU0Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.czAGDXjGx_edZ84b2g0yXfZ6dWlGt6KJ9iJAQGe1ho4

Just When You Think it Can’t Get More Insane

How about shades of Communist Hellhole the USSR !

Using mental hospitals as de facto prisons without charge, without trial, without sentence… We used to talk of stuff like this as evidence of the total horror of life in the USSR. Now it is our ‘norm’.

And don’t forget – all of this because of the fear of a virus we are more than 99% protected against. WITHOUT any vaccines. And maybe (they claimed in the beginning) 99% plus 0.1% WITH the vaccines.

All this madness and utter trampling on everything that is honest, decent, democratic, lawful and proper in the name of the 0.1% which we now find today is completely unproven. Because of the presence of associated risks. Because of the quick fading. Because of the mutations ‘avoiding’ the vaccines. Etc.
