All Vaxxed is NOT ‘The Way Out’ or ‘Safety’

I’ve heard, seen a number of govt ‘leaders’ or quasi leaders ( i.e. health dept spokesmen or whatever ) saying on numerous occasions that ‘ Full Vaccination is Our Way Out’ or ‘Vaccination is Protection’ and stuff like that.

They use these mantras to push for compulsory vaccination.

But they are incredibly, totally, childishly wrong. WRONG. !

How can they say something so totally wrong?

They are saying it like ‘take a vax and there you are: proof against illness and death’

Aren’t they?

Isn’t that it? ‘When we are all vaxxed then we’re all proof against it.’ ?

But that is sheer nonsense.

They are trying to make out we are defenceless and then suddenly a vax makes us totally defended.


The truth is we are all ‘protected’ to some extent all the time of course, naturally, against all illnesses and a vax, hopefully, makes us marginally better protected is all.

That’s it. That’s all.

If they want to say the truth they should say something like: “If we’re all vaxxed then hopefully we’re all a bit better protected.”

A bit better. But you can still get sick. My god yes. And you could still die. Yes. And you’ll run the risk of vaccine side effects, etc.

But maybe ‘a bit better’.

That’s the truth of Vaxes: ‘A bit better’. That’s ALL. That’s IT.

That’s IT. There’s variations in degree of protection across the wide range of diseases and vaccines and individuals but the bottom line is they simply attempt to improve your natural protection which you always have.

Which is, of course: Your Immune System.

A vaccine doesn’t replace it. When it comes to the crunch it is your Immune System does it all. And an Immune System you already have.

The politicians etc. that talk this tripe are brain dead. They must be.

The Vax IS the virus.

Here’s data from Alex Berenson showing in Canada clear total correlation between Vax and Illness.

No vax: no illness. Vax: Illness.

These figures match exactly and expose the truth: vaxing makes them sick.

And the government says that if you get sick less than two weeks after a Vax then it’s like you haven’t been vaxxed at all and they count you in amongst the Unvaxxed!

A total lie turning everything on its head.

And failing to obscure the truth. For if it were really that these people were simply ‘unvaxxed’ then their sickness rates would be sweeping all through the masses everywhere. The figures would show that. There’s be masses and masses of sick people and there’d be ‘never even been vaxxed’ amongst them.

Lots of them. Should be, if the vax does anything good at all, the greatest majority would be unvaxxed, properly ‘unvaxxed’, never ever having had a jab.

But what we get here is overwhelming numbers of people getting sick who’ve had a job. In fact virtually ALL are people who’ve had a jab.

How do they explain this? Well they say your immune system gets hurt by the jab for a couple of weeks. So you are weaker. And the virus gets in and makes you sick.

So, they say, not fair to call you vaxxed because you haven’t had the (unproven) benefit of the vax you’ve only had the necessary harm from it.

So, they way, we won’t call you ‘vaxxed’ and then they wander off and play with their toys.

Completely failing to note that this means the virus must be all around all the time despite all these efforts to avoid it, evade it, block its entry, its existence. I must be there all the time, everywhere, if it immediately gets into these ‘weakened’ systems.

AND all this time it is NOT getting in! The unvaxxed are doing fine until they get vaxxed.

i.e. to all intents and purposes the Vax IS the virus!

There’s a sea of virus within which we all are. The figures, the charts, the graphs show we’re not getting sick. Then they Vax and people start getting sick. ‘Because their immune systems were weakened.’

In other words they take strong healthy people with good immune systems and cripple them so they can make an epidemic so’s they can force people to take a vax which will cripple them so’s they can say there’s an epidemic and force people to take a vax which will crippled them….


This ought to be the final text, I think. Says it all. Makes it obvious it is time to stop. Most folks still don’t know how to stop it though:


That’s how to stop it.

And here’s the text that makes it clear we should do just that. Print it out. Stick it up on every wall. Send to every contact you have. Send to every politician, medico, educator, law enforcer.

Fluvoxamine.. go get it…

I don’t know where/how you can get it but it’s beginning to look very much like it is something we should have.

That’s for the people who believe in doing something to help themselves and their own Immune Systems rather than sit at home doing doing nothing but wait for a dangerous vaccine to kick their immune systems into flawed premature action against an enemy that might have already mutated into something different.


Just When You Think it Can’t Get More Insane

How about shades of Communist Hellhole the USSR !

Using mental hospitals as de facto prisons without charge, without trial, without sentence… We used to talk of stuff like this as evidence of the total horror of life in the USSR. Now it is our ‘norm’.

And don’t forget – all of this because of the fear of a virus we are more than 99% protected against. WITHOUT any vaccines. And maybe (they claimed in the beginning) 99% plus 0.1% WITH the vaccines.

All this madness and utter trampling on everything that is honest, decent, democratic, lawful and proper in the name of the 0.1% which we now find today is completely unproven. Because of the presence of associated risks. Because of the quick fading. Because of the mutations ‘avoiding’ the vaccines. Etc.

Why Isn’t Anything Happening?

On Steve Kirsch’s Substack page recently a commenter asked why nothing was happening? Meaning why hadn’t all the efforts to enlighten the unenlightened, to educate, to inform, to spread the word, the truth, the facts – come to nothing apparently, so far?

And this was an answer:

Dr Fauci’s Blessing On The World

From R.F. Kennedy’s Book: “The Real Anthony Fauci

Cost of Quarantines—Deaths
As Dr. Fauci’s policies took hold globally, 300 million humans fell into dire poverty, food insecurity, and starvation. “Globally, the impact of lockdowns on health programs, food production, and supply chains plunged millions of people into severe hunger and malnutrition,” said Alex Gutentag in Tablet Magazine.27 According to the Associated Press (AP), during 2020, 10,000 children died each month due to virus-linked hunger from global lockdowns. In addition, 500,000 children per month experienced wasting and stunting from malnutrition—up 6.7 million from last year’s total of 47 million—which can “permanently damage children physically and mentally, transforming individual tragedies into a generational catastrophe.