An idea of what the trail surface is. Sandy with litle stones and rocks.

shot 2 See kinda how much space between rocks/stones and size relative to the feet.

shot 3 how the trail winds through the trees..

shot 4 one of the rockier parts...

shot 5 the mossy ground is softer and better sometimes

shot 6 this is the nice soft sandy stuff...

shot 7 tread on any of those little ones is going to hurt, they're sharpish..

shot 8 this calls for a bit of navigation...

shot 9 a tractor track, I call it. they call it 'Kinchina
Track'. It's on the maps. Public can't access it though.
Locked gate. Local farmers can. The walking track
I am on crosses it heading roughly West.

shot 10 now a lovely bit of easy walking... a stroll...

shot 11 i call this 'the beach' and have a bit of a nap here sometimes.....

shot 12 these maybe wild looking things are
harmless... you can safely walk on them (if there's nothing
unexpected under or amongst) That's now. May.
Sometimes things like this, of course,
when they die back leave sharp seed pods behind but I don't think these
do. I'd expect some from previous years still around if so but there's

shot 13 This is the beaut looking natural floor and mostly
walkable. Trouble is some twigs and old broken branch bits might
have jagged bits sticking up...

shot 14 horribly over exposed shot of the only wildflowers in
bloom right now. cellphone/camera not the best and my skills even
worse. I might be able to gimp some accuracy back into it.

shot15 Another terrible pic. Should be showing the
town way down the bottom of the hill through the trees there...
ah well...

shot 16 now that there is a 'roo trail. i like to follow
them. generally soft easy going and interesting voyage ....

shot 17 another shot that fails to show the beaut view of the plains below and the distant horizon...

shot 18 know what that is? roo pellets. the whole
ground is covered in roo or rabbit or whatever pellets... all
over... it doesn't seem to dry up, blow away or rot down...

shot 19 what I call a 'roo mega highway...

shot 20 very fine clear set of roo prints... on top of an old hoof print i think...

shot 21 I've reached what I call the 'roo paddock and they knew I was coming....

shot 22 one bloke suddenly bounded off in front of me...

shot 23 that's the 'roo paddock and they're just making up their minds which way to go...

shot 24 the same as the above but 'wide angle'... to no particular benefit...

shot 25 the hard track....

that's it. :)